The Mango Festival History And Images Pictures

The Mango Festival

The Mango festival is organized in the crest summer month of June in the city of Chandigarh every year. Mango fruit fever catches this city during this festival. This festival includes also a number of other activities. Mangoes of almost all varieties are brought here from all key mango producing places of the country. The Mango growers also show their skill in mango cultivation and compete with other growers.

This mango festival reflects the facts of Mangoes and their characteristic qualities. Mango festival of Chandigarh is celebrated in an impressive manner and extends a platform to display the various species of mangoes produced by mango growers. The Agriculture Universities also take part to demonstrate the new hybrid varieties of this fruit. The famous Pinjore Garden is generally selected as a venue to celebrate this mango festival of Chandigarh in the month of June. This festival cum fair also gives ample opportunities to the food processing industries to display their mango products like Pickles, canned fruits and Jams etc. This festival is gaining popularity and drawing every year more crowds of mango lovers.

The latest hybrid varieties of mangoes are also displayed by the participating Agriculture Universities in this mango fair held yearly at Pinjore Garden in June month. This juicy and plum fruit with its countless varieties are exhibited at this annual International festival of Mangoes in Chandigarh.

Mango festival, with fun and lively programs, is dedicated to this humble fruit and its different delicious forms like Cakes, pure fresh mango juice, pickles, Chutneys and jams etc. Chandigarh has attained the new heights in organizing such festivals leaving behind few of the older cultural traditions.

Tradition of Festival

The visitors to this mango festival enjoy the taste and look at more than 500 varieties of mango and its different plants. This festival features different varieties of mangoes like Alphonso, Amrapalli, Maurya, Malda, Dhoon, Mallika, Balia, Chorasya, Ruchika, Himsagar, Gelchia, Nigarin, Dhaman, Shamsi, Fazia and dassehari etc. The well-known chefs from Maurya Sheraton, Claridges, Mariott India, Taj Mahal Palace, Qutub hotel and other Inter continental Hotels are requested to participate and exhibit various recipes prepared from Mangoes.
Many Agro-Industries and other food processing units also exhibit their various products like canned jams and fruits, pickles and fruit juices in this Mango festival. Cities such as Hyderabad, Pune, Pinjore, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Delhi also celebrate the Mangoes festivals. More than 1370varieties of mangoes are there world over and more than 1000species of this fruit are cultivated in India alone.

Tourist Essential

Mango festival has many other attractive activities like sales of fresh mangoes, sales of mango products such as aam-pana, chutney, jams, pickles, mango pulp and juices, mango quizzes and mango eating competition etc. Visitors can indulge also in buying the mango saplings from the festival and enjoy the free mango booths. The Mango eating competition between men and women is the chief attraction of this festival which is participated by a large number of participants to enjoy the event. The other notable events conducted in this festival are magic shows, mango carving demonstrations and slogan writings.

Fest Info

The Mango festival is celebrated in June at Pinjore gardens, away 22km from Chandigarh. The popularity of this fair is increasing yearly with the increase in crowds of mango lovers. The mangoes of nearly 1800varieties are produced in Haryana, Uttar-Pradesh, Himachal, Punjab and Rajasthan regions are displayed in the festivals.


Any Mango lover must make it sure to pay yearly visit in June month to this venue of Pinjore to witness the splendor of this fair. Here the master chefs from many intercontinental hotels present wonderful menu including different dishes prepared out of mangoes. If you are a mango lover then it is a delicacy for you to enjoy whole heartedly.

Tourist Info

Visitors can also fetch this fruit from the free mango booths or purchase the mango saplings for planting from the fair. The mangoes eating competition between men and women of this festival is the main attraction. Visitors in large number take part in mango eating competitions for fun enjoyment. The other notable events conducted in this festival are magic shows, mango carving demonstrations and slogan writings.


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